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I'm Thalis Costa 👨🏻‍💻

Meet my work:

I'm a Brazilian web developer with 5 years of experience developing websites and other digital products.

Over the years, I've worked with several technologies, with a greater focus on the front-end and the development of customized solutions with WordPress.

Despite being specialized in front-end, I also have strong knowledge in backend with PHP and interface design using software like figma and adobe XD.

JSL is a 100% Brazilian company specialized in logistics. It has the largest and most integrated service portfolio, operating in the area since 1956.

What did I do: Development of the entire frontend and backend of the website.

> Check the project

RedRider is Honda's high-capacity motorcycle experience program.
Experience tours, expeditions, riding courses, track days, lectures and much more.

What did I do: Development of the entire frontend and backend of the website.

> Check the project